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Welcome to NCAAU Wrestling

Welcome to NCAAU Wrestling

NC AAU Wrestling is part of the larger National AAU Association.  You can find out additional information about AAU by selecting the “Join AAU”  tab on the website.  Wrestling is a unique sport compared to most sports.  The majority of NC AAU Wrestling events are Open Events.  This means you do not have to be a member of a team or club as in most sports.  To participate in a sanctioned NC AAU Wrestling Event (as well as National Events) all you need is to have a current AAU card (purchased on-line from the National website) and pre-register (including paying entry fee) for the event.  NOTE:  Purchasing an AAU card makes you eligible to participate in any AAU Sanctioned Sport.  A separate card is not required for each sport.  Participants in wrestling are typically broken down into two-year age divisions and by actual weight.  Modified National High School Federation rules are followed.






Stan Chambers

Wrestling State Director

Phone: 919-400-1958